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Anti Spam Policy

This document outlines the Anti-Spam Policy for the LawyerHires.com website.

What Is Spam?

Spam refers to unsolicited emails, commonly known as junk mail or UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email). Many of us have encountered emails from unknown senders in our inbox. At LawyerHires.com, we adhere to accepted permission-based email guidelines by sending emails only to those who have explicitly requested to receive them.

What About The Laws Against Spam?

Anti-spam laws do exist, but they vary by state, each having its own definitions and regulations regarding unsolicited commercial emails. On the federal level, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 attempts to create a unified approach to managing unsolicited emails. However, enforcement of these laws can be inconsistent, making personal vigilance your first line of defense. LawyerHires.com ensures that you remain in control of whether you receive emails from us, as outlined in our "No Tolerance" policy below.

Our No Tolerance Anti-Spam Policy

WE MAINTAIN A STRICT NO TOLERANCE SPAM POLICY. We only send emails to individuals who have filled out an "opt-in" form or "webform" expressing interest in our information, products, or services, or who have otherwise proactively requested contact. Our membership features and benefits are shared through advertising, joint ventures, and word of mouth, ensuring we communicate only with those interested in what we offer and who willingly subscribe to our emails. You have full control over your email communications with LawyerHires.com and can unsubscribe at any time.

NOTE: Every automated email from LawyerHires.com includes a mandatory unsubscribe link that cannot be removed. This ensures you always have the option to "unsubscribe" and stop receiving emails from us.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with all our legal and administrative notices, the content of this page may change over time. We update these pages as necessary to protect both you and our website. If this page is important to you, please check back regularly, as no other notice of changes will be provided before or after they take effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and administrative pages on this website, including this one, have been carefully prepared by an attorney. LawyerHires.com has licensed the use of these legal notices and administrative pages for your protection and ours. Unauthorized use of this material is strictly prohibited and monitored by Copyscape to detect violations.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any questions about this page, or if you need to contact us for any other reason, please use the following link: https://lawyerhires.com/contact_us